Club 500 guests in Delia

On Wednesday, April the 17th, we had the pleasure of hosting several dozen members of the Łódź 500 Club at our production plant in Rzgów. It is an association gathering business leaders from the Łódź region, and their visit provided an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences on the topic of “Foreign expansion – a direction for entrepreneurs who want to scale their business”.

The presentation on this hot topic was conducted by Joanna Salska – Export Manager, who in an inspiring way introduced our strategy and approach to international expansion to the gathered guests. We also proudly presented the heart of our company, which is the production plant in Rzgów. Members had the opportunity to see for themselves how we make cosmetics, which can later be found on the shelves of stores in Poland and abroad.

The 500 Club meeting was a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience that not only strengthen Delia’s presence in the global market, but also inspire other Polish companies to develop and explore new possibilities. We thank all participants for their presence and interesting discussions. We are proud to be part of such a valuable business community!